Long-lasting cooperation with The Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RIPH) brought a string of interesting initiatives such as: implementing GDPR, training on economic legislation, common conventions and an expert involvement in economic forum. Working for business communities was appreciated: since 2017, attorney Tomasz Kirstajn has been a member of the RIPH’s Bureau of the Board. He has also been appointed a representative of Mediation Centre by RIPH.

Centres of Enterprise Support
In respond to the needs of local institutions of the business environment, in some Centres of Enterprise Support in Greater Poland, we hold information meetings and trainings concerning GDPR, as well as seminars and workshops on certain matters of economic legislation.

Support for initiatives promoting and reinforcing entrepreneurship is provided by self-governments and is multi-dimensional – beginning from unpaid consulting duties in Business Station in Leszno, going through trainings (including NGO Sector), to information meetings and expert involvement in conferences and forums.

Educational sector
In the framework of several educational projects, we cooperate with schools and kindergartens discussing with the children and students some legal issues in selected topics. We also provide pro bono services to the Educational Initiative Association in Leszno, helping it to pursue its statutory aim.

Euromed Avocats and foreign attorneys
Thanks to participating in the European programme of comparative law analysis funded by the European Commission and the legal self-governments, we became part of the attorneys network from France, Spain, Italy and Romania, which gives us precious experience exchange and fast legal support in these countries. Polish lawyers working as attorneys or legal advisors abroad (Germany, the UK, the USA) are also our partners.